Mentoring Terms & Conditions

  1. As a mentor, you acknowledge your agreement to adhere to our Terms and Privacy Policy (Terms: (Privacy Policy:
  2. As a mentor, you generously offer your time to share your knowledge and expertise, with a focus on mentorship rather than direct sales to mentees.
  3. By becoming a mentor, you will gain access to our Community Platform, where you can engage with fellow mentors, partners, and other talented individuals. While active participation and interaction on the platform are encouraged, please refrain from directly promoting sales collateral. Should you wish to share resources, events, or business collateral with the community, please contact the Labs team for assistance.
  4. If you are interested in providing services to mentees, we would be delighted to explore further opportunities with you to become a valued partner in our marketplace.
  5. Each year, we will contact mentors and ask them to reapply to allow us to update skills, seek feedback and engagement and validate whether they would still like to be part of the community.